CMM-Qingdao Leader Metrology
Smart Series CMM
Miracle Series CMM
Cruiser Series CMM
Navigator Series CMM
Metroking Series CMM
Laser Series CMM
Video Series
Our characteristics:
Professional technical service,
The perfect solution

  When we get your needs, our experts active in the first time your live, to listen to your question, you receive from the first file, not the price, but our perfect solution.
Our Tenet:
Detail decides success or failure

14th Shanghai International Machine Tool Fair(EASTPO2012) 2012-3-16
Shanghai DMC2012 for Leader & Renishaw 2012-3-15
DMC2011中国国际模具展将于6月2-5日在上海举行 2011-4-3
雷顿三坐标与英国雷尼绍携手合作4月11-16日北京CIMT2011展示会 2011-3-25
雷顿三坐标与英国雷尼绍携手邀您相约Control China 2010 2010-8-1
优惠活动(免费探针自动更换架及探针模块) 2007-8-1